Category : Hermes Awards

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– 19 years, over 175,000 entries from leading independent creative professionals and teams from corporate communication, public relations, advertising, design, digital and video firms.

– Over past few years alone, over $85,000 given to charities and nonprofits.


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Results for Hermes Competition released Today

Today is the day we release results in the Hermes Creative Awards competition.  Winners will be posted at 5 p.m. CDT.  All entrants will receive detailed results in the mail this week. Many of our entrants will be extremely pleased, others will be disappointed. This is the 15th year that the Association of Marketing and […]


Hermes Creative Awards: Hilton Worldwide

Winner: Hilton Worldwide Location: McLean, VA Client: Hilton Hotels & Resorts Title: Lobby Design by Hilton Category: 45. Publication Overall Each year, the judges see the best work produced by the biggest agencies with the largest budgets. However, only a small percentage of the creative industry has the time and resources to produce a project that […]


Hermes Submission

Winner: The Chapter Media Client: GE Title: Capture the Wind Category: 162. Television Spot How do you visualize something you can’t see?  The Chapter Media of New York City created a commercial that captures both the beauty and practicality of wind.  Using breathtaking cinema photography and imagery, the commercial turns a message into a movie.  […]


Hermes Creative Awards: Dutch Monaco

Winner: Dutch Monaco Location: Los Angeles, CA Client: EA Sports Title: Explore SSX Category: 110. Animation You don’t have to be a snowboarder to enjoy this website.  Through incredible animations, Dutch Monaco transports players to the ends of the earth.  Vicarious thrill seekers hurl down mountains in Siberia and blaze through snow tunnels in […]


Hermes Creative Awards: Aetrex Worldwide

Winner: Aetrex Worldwide Inc Client: Aetrex Title: Aetrex – Don’t Forget to Take Them Off Ad Category: 4. Magazine A newspaper mogul once remarked that to sell newspapers all you need is a picture of a pretty girl, a child, and a dog.  Aetrex Worldwide dropped the kid and the mutt but still managed to […]


Hermes Submission

Winner: Columbus Metropolitan Library
Client: Columbus Metropolitan Library
Title: CML’s 2011 Summer Reading Club
Category: 34c. Integrated Marketing Campaign

With dvd’s, computers, Internet, ipods, gaming, and cable television within easy grasp of most kids, reading would seem to be lost among the competition for attention.  When’s the last time anyone went to a public library, especially a child?  The Columbus Metropolitan Library faced a daunting task–get people reading again.  The Summer Reading Program built a fully integrated campaign around the theme, “Be a Hero. Read”.  The CMS reached out to the community using social and traditional media.  Logos, graphics, and celebrities also were brought into the marketing mix. The creative campaign resulted in a 20% increase in participants.  Almost 90,000 kids, teenagers, and adults signed on to be ‘heroes’.  Reading is alive and well in Columbus, Ohio. Community Heroes YouTube page



Hermes Submission

Winner: Physicians Interactive Location: Mundelein, IL Title: Physicians Interactive’s Mobile Sampling Video Category: Marketing (Service) This is so simple and straight forward that it would even hold a doctor’s attention.