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Hermes StatuettesIs the work you are creating worthy of international industry recognition? You can prove your value to peers, clients and prospects while marketing yourself at the same time.

Win a Hermes Creative Award and announce your accomplishment in social media, news releases, eBlasts, blogs and with Hermes logos on your website.


AMCPHermes is sponsored by the Association of Marketing & Communication Professionals

– Largest and most prestigious creative awards programs for marketing and communication professionals in the world.

– 19 years, over 175,000 entries from leading independent creative professionals and teams from corporate communication, public relations, advertising, design, digital and video firms.

– Over past few years alone, over $85,000 given to charities and nonprofits.


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Hermes StatuettesWhy pay hundreds of dollars per entry?
Hermes categories are extremely reasonable

– $65 for single entries | $150 for programs and campaigns.

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2. Select Category
3. Type in Title of Entry/Client
4. Pay Securely
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