2021 AVA Awards Spotlight: YR Media

AVA Digital Awards Organization: YR Media
Location: Oakland, CA
Title of Entry: “Unadopted”
Category: Video Production | Long Form Video | 605. Documentary

More than 400,000 kids are in foster care across America every year and many will never get adopted. Noel Anaya was one of those. After aging out of the system and being emancipated at age 21, he began a journey to find out why. His efforts led to his heart-wrenching documentary “Unadopted”. It was produced under the umbrella of the YR Media group, a national network of young journalists who collaborate and provide content for organizations like NPR and the New York Times. This is a very personal story of Noel’s search for the truth, which eventually leads him back to his foster parents and biological mother. Along the way, he introduces the audience to other foster kids who also never found a ‘forever’ home. The documentary is open, honest, and emotional delivering a powerful message in an understated voice.

ViacomCBS- Blog Header2021 AVA Awards Spotlight: Velocity, ViacomCBS

2021 AVA Awards Spotlight: Velocity, ViacomCBS

AVA Digital Awards Organization: ViacomCBS
Location: Hollywood, CA
Title of Entry: “Ru’s Angels”
Category: Digital Marketing | Marketing, Digital | 3c. Social Campaign ($175)

Movie reboots are hard to create and equally as hard to promote. Superman and Batman are obviously the exceptions. What about Charlie’s Angels? The television series was a 1970’s phenomenon with Farrah Fawcett and all that hair. In 2000 the series was made into a movie with a sequel. In 2019, producers took another shot at the franchise. To promote the film, Sony turned too…RuPaul. In a short promotional film, RuPaul and his queens turned into “Angels” to track down a wig thief. The film hit the target audience generating 25.3 million total impressions, 3.7 million video views, and 501K engagements.

distillery- Blog Header2021 AVA Awards Spotlight: The Distillery Ltd

2021 AVA Awards Spotlight: The Distillery Ltd

AVA Digital Awards Organization: The Distillery Ltd
Location: Brighton, East Sussex
Title of Entry: “Making 1-to-1 conversations possible at scale, with voundry, our personalisation engine”
Category: Digital Video Creation | Digital Video Creation | 409. Other — Personalisation Engine

Did you know that the average person sees up to 10,000 ads every single day? To ensure its content gets the attention it deserves, distillery makes it personal using its own video personalisation engine voundry. Using consensual customer data, such as age, gender, or purchase habits, voundry can render hundreds of thousands of videos and GIFs in minutes to engage customers with messages that resonate with them on an individual level. One powerful example of what can be achieved with voundry is distillery’s most recent campaign for WaterAid, the NGO making clean water more readily available worldwide for drinking and other essential needs. Every year, WaterAid launches a challenge that asks Australians to “raise a glass to the one drink the world can’t live without”, aiming to raise funds for every one in nine people worldwide who do not have access to it. To help the NGO spread this important message, distillery turned a global water shortage crisis into a relatable issue: using voundry, distillery repurposed WaterAid’s existing video assets into 2,000 unique videos tailored to resonate with each individual recipient, addressing them by name, appealing to their specific reasons for joining the challenge, and reminding them of the need for donations. The personalised videos sent by email achieved the highest open and click-through rates of any others sent by WaterAid, making it the NGO’s most successful campaign yet and helping to raise funds for 785 million people in need.

Orangeville- Blog Header2021 AVA Awards Spotlight: Town of Orangeville

2021 AVA Awards Spotlight: Town of Orangeville

AVA Digital Awards Organization: Town of Orangeville
Location: Orangeville, ON
Title of Entry: “Open Orangeville — COVID-19 Recovery Plan”
Category: Digital Marketing | Marketing, Digital | 7c. COVID-19 Digital Response ($175)

When the Covid pandemic hit last spring, countries scrambled to create an action plan to slow, if not stop, the spread. Part of the burden was thrust upon local governments and towns –some handled it well, others not so much. Orangeville, Canada is a town of 30,000 in South Central Ontario, just north of Toronto. Municipal leadership acted early and quickly. Orangeville created a blueprint to support slowing the virus, to cushion the blow for businesses, and to share public health information with the community. The plan instituted several phases starting with closings and then measured steps for re-openings. As of December 1, Orangeville reported only eight active cases, which equates to 26 cases per 100,000; that’s a rate of .00026. The town so far has progressed toward its goal encapsulated in its mission statement: “We will emerge with businesses positioned not just to recover from this pandemic, but to thrive.”

Onion- Blog Header2021 AVA Awards Spotlight: Onion TV

2021 AVA Awards Spotlight: Onion TV

AVA Digital Awards Organization: Onion TV
Location: Brisbane, AU
Title of Entry: “Nudgee By Plane”
Category: Web-Based Production | Creativity (Web Video) | 122.Special Effects/Animation

In these days of Covid, companies, government agencies, and schools are relying more on video, animation, and virtual reality to communicate. Nudgee College in Brisbane, Australia, recognized the challenge early and created a visual portal into their campus for prospective students and their parents. Nudgie is a Catholic boys boarding school of 1600 students for grades 5-12. Nudgee reached out to Onion TV who specializes in sporting events and documentaries. The tour of the school blends quick-witted scripting, crisp visuals, and stellar talent with humor. The result is a fast-paced tour with a wink and a nod.