Category : Hermes Awards

Submission for Hermes Award

Rarely does a product design capture the essence of an event.  Pasabahce Innovation Center went further…a lot further.  The company not only created a unique, expressive design to commemorate the World Cup, but coupled it with the client’s logo seamlessly promoting both product and event. The design is ingrained on a coke glass that is both stylistic and functional.  Football fans in Europe and soccer fans in America are rewarded with a commemorative keepsake that one day might be a collector’s item.


ACR Whitepaper – Submission for Hermes Awards

Producing a “White Paper” can be a monumental task. Unfortunately, it also can be a monumental task reading the report. The PR firm of Porter Novelli are communications specialists who know how to gather intense data and transform the facts and numbers into a compelling paper. Recently the American College of Rheumatology hired the firm […]



United Health Care has created a multi-media website that engages its stake holders with humor, witty writing, wonderful directing, and interesting photography.  The series of videos explain everything from potential health problems to filing procedures.  UHC takes complicated issues and breaks them down into an understandable language…no simple task when talking about American health care […]


2012 Hermes Creative Awards Now Open

Hermes Creative Awards today unveiled a new website and began accepting entries in the 2012 competition.  Postmark deadline is March 16. The new website retains the recognizable rust color but changes dramatically in its design, content and interactivity.  New features such as a winners gallery and judge’s comments will enable us to be more dynamic […]