MarCom Winner, McLellan Group

Winner: McLellan Multimedia Group Corp.
Title of Entry: One in a Thousand
Location: Toronto, ON, Canada
Client: 1000 Islands Photo Art
Category: iPad eBook App

Every once in a while an entry comes across the judging table that totally enthralls us.  We quickly forget where we are and what we are doing. We become spectators, not judges. Such was the case with an eBook app called One in a Thousand. With the first image you drift away to that place in your brain where you see and feel pure beauty and nirvana. Instantly, the images and words infiltrate your imagination. Fifteen minutes later we regained our composure, awoke from our dream and set it aside to enjoy again later.

One in a Thousand is an interactive eBook by Ian Coristine, a Canadian photographer, author and dreamer who explores the thousand islands along the St. Lawrence River in his ultralight floatplane.

Check out some of the marketing materials, here, here, here, and here.
