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2020 MarCom Awards Spotlight: Drugwatch.com

We’ll continue to feature some of this year’s most noteworthy MarCom Awards entries throughout the competition.

MarCom Awards Organization: Drugwatch.com
Location: Orlando, FL
Title of Entry: “How Juul Created a Teen Vaping Epidemic”
Category: Digital Media | Writing (Web) | 283. Other — feature article

A few years ago, teen vaping became an epidemic, and it wasn’t by accident. The industry took cues from Big Tobacco’s marketing playbook and inserted the habit into the fabric of American society. Marketing went far beyond adult demographics. In an investigative report, Drugwatch scoured company documents and alleges that Juul targeted kids as young as 8. Drugwatch is a national organization whose mission is to keep people safe from potentially harmful drugs and medical devices. The damning article says that Juul paid schools to allow their reps access to students. The article is well researched, well written, and very alarming.

The deadline for the 2020 MarCom Awards is October 22nd. Enter now, before it’s too late.