2013 MarCom Entry, Alex Klim

Winner: Alex Klim
Title of Entry: “One Moment”
Location: Doha, Qatar
Client: Alex Klim
Category: Web Video/Informational
Alex KlimWith all the visuals bombarding us on television, computers, and smart phones it’s getting harder to differentiate the messages.  Often one video looks like the next with overlapping styles and imitations.  Cinematographer, director, and producer Alex Klim manages to stand out by blending sentimental scenes with stark realism.  Alex is a Vienna born filmmaker currently based in Doha, Qatar.  He specializes in DSLR cameras which give impressive moving images and works with clients like Qatar Airwaves, Red Bull, and Vodafone.  The mini-movie he creates, “One Moment”, is more public service announcement than commercial, but the results are impressive for any medium.  He grabs you with sweet music and soft images before abruptly changing directions to deliver a harsh message.  No spoiler alert here.  Just watch.