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2021 MarCom Awards Spotlight: Cape Fox Corporation

We’ll continue to feature some of this year’s most noteworthy MarCom Awards entries throughout the competition.

MarCom Awards Organization: Cape Fox Corporation
Location: Manassas, VA
Title of Entry: “Faces of Ketchikan”
Category: Digital Media | Website | 195. Tourism

Most tourism websites offer the same fare of restaurants, sightseeing, cultural events, etc., presented in the same way…pretty pictures with a link. The website for Ketchikan, Alaska draws you in from the moment the home page pops up. As you scroll down, traditional tribal masks transform into the faces of residents. The website invites you to a special place with special people in a remote area of a special state. The eye-catching graphics is supported by crisp writing and concise information, laying the foundation for an easily navigable site.

The deadline for the 2021 MarCom Awards is September 16th. Enter now, before it’s too late.