2014 MarCom Awards Spotlight: Gere Donovan Creative

While the winners for the 2014 MarCom Awards won’t be announced for a while, we’re showcasing select entries that stand out. Keep checking back to see if your work will be highlighted.

MarCom Awards Organization: Gere Donovan Creative
Location: Portland, Oregon
Client: Ravn Alaska
Title of Entry: “Ravn Alaska”
Category: 236. Website Redesign

Gere Donovan Creative

Ravn Alaska may be the largest regional airline in Alaska, but they’re still known for providing a personal touch to customer service. So, when more and more customers began to look for that service online, the challenge was: design a clean, simple and relevant site that reflects the companies’ deep roots across the extremely diverse state of Alaska, and make it accessible and functional across all phone, tablet and desktop devices.

With this is mind, Gere Donovan Creative focused on creating an intuitive architecture—the literal underpinning for good digital design. Popular pages are highlighted through colored tabs; navigation and subheads are limited to no more than three words per instance; and fonts are on-brand but easy to read.

Then to balance what would normally be a text-heavy site, Gere Donovan Creative used colorful, local photography that is representative of the various key customer segments across the state of Alaska—the business traveler, the vacation traveler, and the rural traveler. Instead of focusing on the planes themselves in the imagery, which is typical in airline website design, they focused on the real reason for their business—the customers.

Ravn Alaska Website Redesign by Gere Donovan Creative
