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2021 MarCom Awards Spotlight: WMHARPER

We’ll continue to feature some of this year’s most noteworthy MarCom Awards entries throughout the competition.

MarCom Awards Organization: WMHARPER
Location: Raleigh, NC
Title of Entry: “Duckingham Palace – What’s Your Net Worthwhile?”
Category: Print Media | Advertising | 7. Magazine (Ad)

WM Harper is a Raleigh, North Carolina agency specializing in branding. It provides brand transformation for those companies that need an extra edge to break through the noise or to get back on track. WM Harper created an ad campaign for SignatureFD, a wealth management company, featuring a highly stylized print ad called “Duckingham Palace-What’s Your Net Worthwhile.” The elaborately staged portrait features an old money gentleman sitting in his game room with his black Labrador and many, many ducks. The print ad is worthy of its own Non-Fungible Token (NFT).

The extended deadline for the 2021 MarCom Awards is October 21st. Enter now, before it’s too late.