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2017 MarCom Awards Spotlight: Driscoll’s

While the winners of the 2017 MarCom Awards won’t be announced for a little bit, we’re showcasing select entries that stand out. There’s still time to enter your best marketing and communication work before the deadline. Do it now>>

MarCom Awards Organization: Driscoll’s
Location: Watsonville, CA
Title of Entry: “#BerryTogether 3D Picnic”
Category: 152c. Strategic Communications – Marketing/Promotion Campaign – Special Event

If you’ve recently eaten a berry– whether strawberry, blueberry, or other– the chances are it was grown by Driscoll’s, a privately held company in California.

Driscoll’s recently wanted to elevate its product around the country with a national campaign. The usual media was utilized, but the company also decided to go a bit guerilla with a hands-on marketing hook. The idea was presented in cities across America who led the country in berry consumption.

It started with a stage that looked like any stage in any city green space. But on closer look bright murals decorated the backdrop and floor. No signs, no directions, just a stage waiting for someone to explore. In each city, curiosity eventually won over bystanders who discovered that fun things were waiting to happen.