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2017 MarCom Awards Spotlight: Gebze Center

While the winners for the 2017 MarCom Awards won’t be announced for a little bit, we’re showcasing select entries that stand out. There’s still time to enter your best marketing and communication work before the deadline. Do it now>>

MarCom Awards Organization: Gebze Center
Location: Turkey
Title of Entry: “Pointro”
Category: Strategic Communications | Marketing/Promotion Campaign | 152c. Special Event

With social media expanding and becoming an integral part of marketing, businesses are reaching out for new and better ways to utilize the medium. Gebze Center in Turkey developed a system to monitor social media traffic in real-time.

The mall tracked customers responses to their shopping experiences and then engaged with them creating an instant and personal connection.  For instance, after a consumer posted a picture or comment, the shopping center would respond with a thank your or guidance.

The project increased the mall’s social media mentions over 1800 percent from the previous six months.  In addition, a data bank of 50,000 new customers was created for a five month period.

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The final deadline for entry to the 2017 MarCom Awards is Friday, September 15. To enter your work, visit here.