
2016 MarCom Awards Spotlight: Marshall Haber Creative Group Inc.

While the winners for the 2016 MarCom Awards won’t be announced for a little bit, we’re showcasing select entries that stand out. Keep checking back to see if your work will be highlighted.

MarCom Awards Organization: MHCG Inc.
Location: New York, NY
Client: Chai Lifeline
Title of Entry: “Chai Lifeline/Camp Simcha”
Category: 103. Logo

A good picture is worth a thousand words, but a logo does more with less. A logo is your identity to clients, patrons, and customers. Think Coca Cola or Apple. But a logo can be an elusive symbol with the wrong creative agency.

Marshall Haber Creative Group, a boutique agency in New York specializing in branding, advertising, and websites, was recently approached by Chai Lifeline who needed a logo to identify its organization. The nonprofit provides emotional, financial, and other services to families with pediatric illnesses. MHCG captured the essence of the mission with a design of hearts, hands, and people.
