2013 MarCom Entry, LPL Financial

Winner: LPL Financial
Title of Entry: “Mid-Year Outlook 2013: Converging on the Path of Least Resistance”
Location: San Diego, CA
Category: 92. Brochure

LPL FinancialBrochures are ubiquitous in the financial world.  They advise, inform, or drive sales.  Most brochures are simply words on paper with some pictures and graphics thrown in to enliven a page or make a point.  LPL Financial created one brochure that clearly stands out among the rest.  LPL is a company with 3,000 employees, spread among three different cities.  LPL advises the advisors, both independent and institutional.  LPL recently created a thematic brochure looking ahead to mid year 2013, which takes advisors hiking over a meandering trail through the woods.  The graphics play off the theme laying out important information in a highly stylized fashion.  This is one of those brochures that even a layman can understand.
