We Are Proud to Salute 2010 Communitas Award Nominee Raytheon Company (Waltham, MA)

2010 Communitas Award Nominee Raytheon Company (Waltham, MA) believes in engaging, inspiring and honoring citizens in surrounding communities. The defense technology firm has submitted its newest Corporate Responsibility Report that outlines the vast reach of its community and volunteer efforts and results. The report explains that Raytheon has expanded its MathMovesU initiative, and has introduced its Sum Of All Thrills program that lets guests custom-design and experience their own virtual thrill ride. These efforts are designed to educate young students about the power of math and inspire them to pursue math-related activities and careers. The report indicates that Raytheon’s employees also visit local Boys and Girls Clubs to explore math or science through sports, and host a rocket-launch competition to inspire students to learn principles of aerospace engineering. According to the report, Raytheon supports members of the Armed Forces by building the Fisher House Boston, a facility that offers temporary lodging for families when a military member or dependent requires extended medical care. Collectively, Raytheon employees provided more than 36,000 hours of their time to volunteer efforts last year, according to the report. Please visit www.communitasawards.com for printable nomination forms and information on how to nominate a deserving individual and/or business. The deadline for submitting nomination forms is August 2.