We Are Proud to Salute Communitas Award Winner Nevada State Senator Valerie Wiener

State Senator Valerie Wiener introduced legislation to create the Nevada Youth Legislature (NYL), a program supported through volunteer resources and expertise. Nominated for Nevada Youth Legislature: Extended Training Program, the initiative encourages youths from the state to increase their commitment to civic engagement. As a result, youth legislators appointed by their state senator are required to conduct at least one town hall meeting. One youth legislator held an emergency meeting to gather young peoples’ input and concerns regarding (potential) budget cuts to education. A Communitas Award winner for Community Service/New Category, Senator Wiener brought the binder from that youth legislator’s emergency meeting to a special session and shared its input with her legislative colleagues as they processed their state’s budget bill. Please visit www.communitasawards.com for printable nomination forms and information on how to nominate a deserving individual and/or business.