2010 Communitas Award Nominee Kimberly Kanary (Associated Estates) Ensures U.S. Service Men and Women Are Not Forgotton

2010 Communitas Award Nominee Kimberly Kanary of premier apartment management company Associated Estates understands the sacrifices that our service men and women provide to our country — her brother-in-law is currently serving in Afghanistan. She was nominated for the award because of her diligent efforts to support those troops that began with a call to Adopt a Platoon Soldier Support Effort (a non-profit that ensures that there are no forgotten U.S. Service members). After locating the platoon, Kim engaged both employees and customers in Associated Estates’ markets within seven different states by preparing campaign materials. These materials helped facilitate firm’s on-site property and regional office efforts. The property team and office team that that collected the most items (averaged per team member) for the overseas platoon earned a team lunch, a feature story on the company’s website, and recognition in the employee newsletter. Please visit www.communitasawards.com for printable nomination forms and information on how to nominate a deserving individual and/or business.