tipping-point-media-group2016-2017 AVA Digital Awards Spotlight: Tipping Point Media

2016-2017 AVA Digital Awards Spotlight: Tipping Point Media

We’re showcasing select entries that stand out until all the AVA Digital Awards winners are announced. Keep checking back to see if your work will be highlighted. Organization: Tipping Point Media Title of Entry: “Revolutionizing the Art in Science Augmented Reality Campaign” Location: West Chester, PA Category: 4c. Interactive Brand Experience   New technology delivers different and […]

multipleoutlet-productions2016-2017 AVA Digital Awards Spotlight: Multipleoutlet Productions

2016-2017 AVA Digital Awards Spotlight: Multipleoutlet Productions

We’re showcasing select entries that stand out until all the AVA Digital Awards winners are announced. Keep checking back to see if your work will be highlighted.

AVA Digital Awards Organization: Multipleoutlet Productions
Title of Entry: “Woodmere Fire Department Recruitment Video”
Location: Hollis, New York
Category: 188. Recruitment

Storytelling is the heart of any good video…or it should be. And to tell a story, you need a beginning, middle, and end. Multipleoutlet Productions knows how to do these things and more.

Combining an impressive script with stellar cinematography, directing, and editing, the production company created a compelling video that leaves you wishing you lived in the Woodmere Fire Department’s district near New York City. The video mixes live action, reenactments, and interviews to tell the story of what one fire department does for its community.


fox-home-entertainment2016 MarCom Awards Spotlight: Fox Home Entertainment

2016 MarCom Awards Spotlight: Fox Home Entertainment

While the winners for the 2016 MarCom Awards won’t be announced for a little bit, we’re showcasing select entries that stand out. Keep checking back to see if your work will be highlighted.

MarCom Awards Organization: Fox Home Entertainment
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Title of Entry: “Deadpool Gets All the Likes”
Category: 224c. Social Media Campaign

When Deadpool hit the movie theaters earlier this year, it shattered box office records. When it was to be released to the home audience, the question to Fox Home Entertainment was how to maintain that momentum.

The movie is an action-packed, irreverent and humorous adaption of a comic book series. What made the movie successful on the screen was put into play for the promotion.

Tapping into social media, Fox sold the Digital HD and Blu-ray release through clever trailers, face-changing graphics and social interaction starring, of course, Ryan Reynolds. With 200 million social impressions and an extensive organic media coverage, Deadpool is Fox’s best performing HD title.


Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center2016 MarCom Awards Spotlight: Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

2016 MarCom Awards Spotlight: Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

While the winners for the 2016 MarCom Awards won’t be announced for a little bit, we’re showcasing select entries that stand out. Keep checking back to see if your work will be highlighted.

MarCom Awards Organization: Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Location: Seattle, WA
Title of Entry: “The Sexual Aftermath of Cancer Article”
Category: 281. Web Content

If you want to people to read an article, then you must tell a story and do it well. Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle has many stories to tell from its patients. Some are happy stories, some not. Others are some place in between.

Diane Mapes is a writer and cancer survivor. Her well-crafted writing in a particular piece speaks of a subject rarely broached that deserves a forum — sex after cancer.

The subhead explains why the piece exists in the first place: “From impotence to ‘chemopause’ to missing body parts, treatment side effects can mess with patients’ sex lives — why don’t we talk about it more?”

Read the story here>>


paul-gregory-media2016 MarCom Awards Spotlight: Paul Gregory Media

2016 MarCom Awards Spotlight: Paul Gregory Media

While the winners for the 2016 MarCom Awards won’t be announced for a little bit, we’re showcasing select entries that stand out. Keep checking back to see if your work will be highlighted.

MarCom Awards Organization: Paul Gregory Media
Location: Naperville, IL
Client: United Leukodystrophy Foundation
Title of Entry: “ULF Brochure”
Category: 93. Brochure

Thousands of companies produce brochures every year with various messaging and techniques. Paul Gregory Media from the Chicago area was tasked with creating a brochure for a complicated subject matter and a delicate subject, leukodystrophy.

Leukodystrophy is a fatal brain disease effecting motor skills including the loss of hearing and sight. It mostly effects children who inherit specific genes. The United Leukodystrophy Foundation is one organization leading the fight and providing much needed research. Paul Gregory crafted a fundraising brochure that is beautifully produced with heart-rendering pictures and simple but effective text.

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trevelino-keller-logo2016 MarCom Awards Spotlight: Trevelino/Keller

2016 MarCom Awards Spotlight: Trevelino/Keller

While the winners for the 2016 MarCom Awards won’t be announced for a little bit, we’re showcasing select entries that stand out. Keep checking back to see if your work will be highlighted.

MarCom Awards Organization: Trevelino/Keller
Location: Atlanta, GA
Client: Create Your Own Cupcake
Title of Entry: “Create Your Cupcake Video”
Category: 297. Marketing Product or Service

Cupcake anyone? You would think there is not much to one: butter, sugar, flour, eggs, flavoring. But if your company name is “Create Your Cupcake,” then a bit more is expected of you. CYC approached the Trevelino/Keller agency of Atlanta to craft a video to market it’s creations. The result is a tasty treat that mixes stop action, animation and video with some wicked editing.

fortytwo-studio-aberdeen2016 MarCom Awards Spotlight: FortyTwo Studio

2016 MarCom Awards Spotlight: FortyTwo Studio

While the winners for the 2016 MarCom Awards won’t be announced for a little bit, we’re showcasing select entries that stand out. Keep checking back to see if your work will be highlighted.

MarCom Awards Organization: FortyTwo Studio
Location: Aberdeen, United Kingdom
Client: Duncan and Todd
Title of Entry: “Duncan and Todd – Website redesign”
Category: 272. Website Redesign

Many times when a website is redesigned it is more of a lateral move. Change for change sake is not necessarily good. Every once in a while, though, a redesigned website exceeds client expectations and garners attention from clients or customers.

FortyTwo Studio in Aberdeen, Scotland, was tasked with taking a one-page website with a booking form and current offers, and transforming it into a sleek platform showcasing the latest designs in eyewear for Duncan and Todd. The results are crisp and clean, easily navigable and stylish.


UC Davis2016 MarCom Awards Spotlight: University of California, Davis

2016 MarCom Awards Spotlight: University of California, Davis

While the winners for the 2016 MarCom Awards won’t be announced for a little bit, we’re showcasing select entries that stand out. Keep checking back to see if your work will be highlighted.

MarCom Awards Organization: University of California, Davis
Location: Davis, California
Title of Entry: “Sexual Violence Awareness and Education Campaign”
Category: 320c. Other — Integrated Marketing Campaign

Sexual violence is one of the most pressing issues on colleges campuses. University of California, Davis, decided to meet the problem head on with an expansive integrated marketing program. The program targeted almost every aspect of student life with a mixed medium of banners, coffee sleeves, napkin holder signage, videos, T-shirts, web resources, and a speaker. The university wanted to get the word out and to make sure everyone heard it.

Here’s some behind-the-scenes info from Andrew McDaniel, a campaign specialist for Student Affairs Marketing and Communications (SAMC) at UC Davis:

“A recent Association of American Universities Campus Survey on Sexual Assault and Sexual Misconduct shows that 1 in 6 undergraduate students and 1 in 14 graduate and professional school students have experienced some type of non-consensual sexual contact since entering college. That’s why UC Davis launched the Sexual Violence Awareness and Education campaign in November 2015.

“Ongoing student, faculty and staff input as well as campuswide collaboration have contributed to the campaign’s success on our campus. While Student Affairs Marketing and Communications (SAMC) leads the day-to-day efforts, we work with colleagues throughout campus to maximize messaging, reach and resources. Most importantly, we collaborate directly with students through focus groups and internships to ensure that the campaign is current and reaching students in a meaningful way.

“Using feedback from student focus groups, we launched a series of Snapchat-inspired videos through campus social media, which received nearly 40,000 views.”
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mc-squared2016 MarCom Awards Spotlight: MC²

2016 MarCom Awards Spotlight: MC²

While the winners for the 2016 MarCom Awards won’t be announced for a little bit, we’re showcasing select entries that stand out. Keep checking back to see if your work will be highlighted.

MarCom Awards Organization: MC²
Location: Chestnut Ridge, NY
Client: Ferag AG
Title of Entry: “Ferag @ Drupa”
Category: 13. Trade show exhibit

Trade shows can be an assault on the senses – bright lights, music, digital displays, geometric walls, rainbows of color– the list goes on and one. To stand out in a giant exhibit hall takes creativity and sharp design.

New York’s MC² more than met the challenge at a world renowned print and paper exhibit held in Dusseldorf, Germany, for client Ferag AG headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland. Ferag specializes in the development and manufacture of conveying and processing systems for the graphic industry and direct mailing.

At the Drupa Exhibition, MC² created a 15,000-square-foot LED canopy, which is the size of a soccer pitch, that provided a visual background for the presentation of the Ferag equipment, a live printing system that wrapped around the exhibit. Farag CEO Jürg Möckli called the display a “masterpiece.” See for yourself.

John Hancock2016 MarCom Awards Spotlight: John Hancock Personal Financial Services

2016 MarCom Awards Spotlight: John Hancock Personal Financial Services

While the winners for the 2016 MarCom Awards won’t be announced for a little bit, we’re showcasing select entries that stand out. Keep checking back to see if your work will be highlighted.

MarCom Awards Organization: John Hancock Personal Financial Services
Location: Boston, MA
Title of Entry: “John Hancock PFS 2016 “Roland” Calendar”
Category: 78. Calendar

Everyone has seen the company calendar. The corporate logo. The pretty pictures. The months. At John Hancock, the calendar marks the passage of time with humor, a bit of satire, and subtle hints about retirement. The whimsical look at the upcoming year comes with important messages delivered with wit and artistry.

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