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2020 Hermes Creative Awards Spotlight: Tungsten Branding

We’ll continue to feature some of this year’s most noteworthy Hermes Creative Awards entries throughout the competition. 

Hermes Creative Awards

Organization: Tungsten Branding
Location: Brevard, NC
Title of Entry: “Tungsten”
Category: Print Media | Publications | 14. Brochure

A compelling print publication can be a thing of beauty…as much art as information. Tungsten Branding is located in Brevard, North Carolina and, as the name suggests, specializes in branding and brand name development. In a recent brochure, Tungsten became its own client. The elegant brochure blends impactful imagery with forceful prose to create a memorable read. The graphic direction is driven by style elements that are reminiscent of the Periodic Table of Elements, suggesting that Tungsten’s process starts at the base to develop brands that are truly unique.

To view Tungsten Branding’s full submission, click here.

The deadline for the 2020 Hermes Creative Awards is Tomorrow — Thursday, March 19th. Enter now while there’s still time.