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2018 dotCOMM Winners Announced!

Have You Seen Your dotCOMM Results?

All winners for the 2018 dotCOMM Awards have been announced and we want to make sure you got the message that your scores were posted to your My Account.

Check out our Winner’s list and peruse our interactive map. You can run a query for other winners in your area; see who else won in your category; and look at many of the winning projects (if entrant gave permission to display).

If you are a winner, please take advantage of the page we have dedicated to each winning entry.


winner page screenshot


If you would like to add credits or a synopsis for your winning project, you can write in or upload info and graphics through your My Account. Each entry has a specific menu to guide you.

Only one file per winning entry can be displayed, so, if you would like to change the file that represents your entry, you can re-upload. The last upload will be the file displayed.

You can order your free certificates, purchase statuettes, and find a news release and winner’s graphics in the dotCOMM store.


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