2014 AVA Digital Awards Entry Spotlight: Health Dialog

While the winners for the 2014 AVA Digital Awards won’t be announced until Feb. 1, we’re showcasing select entries that stand out. Keep checking back to see if your work will be highlighted.

AVA Digital Awards Company: Health Dialog
Title of Entry: “One-Minute Wellness: Rethink Your Drink”
Location: Boston, Massachusetts
Category: 115. Other

Web elements come in all shapes, sizes, and variations.  There are banners, clip art, graphics, and video. Health Dialog created a web message mixing many elements into a brief one-minute presentation that is both educational and entertaining.

Health Dialog is a company based in London with offices in the United States.  Its mission is to empower people to make the right health decisions.  Obesity is a problem in England and the U.S., and Health Dialog sought to target one major contributor…drinks. The message delivered is simple but involves many moving parts.


