2022 Hermes Creative Awards Spotlight: Michele Bona

We’ll continue to feature some of this year’s most noteworthy Hermes Creative Awards entries throughout the competition. 

Hermes Creative Awards

Organization: Michele Bona
Location: London, UK
Title of Entry: “Marked for Life – Medaille Trust”
Category: 169. Electronic Media / Social Media / Interactive Media | Video | Nonprofit


Like cattle, thousands of humans are branded by modern slave traffickers.  The tattoos convey ownerships as well as control, marking the victims for life.  Human trafficking is a worldwide criminal enterprise that touches most every country.  In the United Kingdom, an estimated 136,000 people bear the mark of a trafficker.  One organization, The Medaille Trust of London, operated by a Catholic religious order of Sisters, Brothers, and Priests, has been raising awareness of the practice for over a decade.  A short film, “Marked for Life”, tells the story of the victims while highlighting a group of tattoo artists who are turning the marks of shame into symbols of hope.

To view their full submission, Click Here.


The Deadline for the 2022 Hermes Creative Awards is Thursday, April 14th. Enter now while there’s still time.