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2021 Hermes Creative Awards Spotlight: CoverMyMeds

We’ll continue to feature some of this year’s most noteworthy Hermes Creative Awards entries throughout the competition. 

Hermes Creative Awards

Organization: CoverMyMeds
Location: Columbus, OH
Title of Entry: “2021 Medication Access Report by CoverMyMeds”
Category: 148. Electronic Media / Social Media / Interactive Media | Digital Publications/Messaging | E-Annual Report

Because of prohibitive pricing or lack of insurance, many Americans with dire medical conditions do not have access to life-changing drugs. CoverMyMeds is a technology-based company that helps patients access the medications they can’t afford. To explain their mission, Covermymeds produced an annual report that is both digital and pdf downloadable. The Medication Access report is well written with arresting photography in an easy-to-navigate layout. More importantly, it conveys its message through personal stories that resonate with readers. As the report states it, “isn’t about patients. It’s about people.”

To view their full submission, click here.

The Extended Deadline for the 2021 Hermes Creative Awards is Thursday, April 22nd. Enter now while there’s still time.