
2019 Hermes Creative Awards Spotlight: Deloitte

We’ll continue to feature some of this year’s most noteworthy Hermes Creative Awards entries throughout the competition. 

Hermes Creative Awards

Organization: Deloitte
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Title of Entry: “2018 CEO and Board Survey Report”
Category: 148. Electronic Media / Social Media / Interactive Media | E- Communication | 148. E-Annual Report

In the past, annual reports were sleek and slick publications printed on high-density coated paper imprinted with colorful pictures and graphs. Today, many firms are opting for digital publications that have more room for creative interpretation, as print rules don’t apply.

For most companies, the e-reports are a work in progress, but not Deloitte, industry-leading auditing, consulting, and tax services provider. Deloitte created a digital report to communicate the findings of their 2018 CEO and Board Survey. The digital report combines interactive graphics to capture the reader’s attention with concise writing to convey Deloitte’s key findings.  The result is a stunning interactive annual report that effectively communicates Deloitte’s findings and establishes the firm as a credible source of industry information.

To view Deloitte’s full report, visit here.