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2019 Hermes Creative Awards Spotlight: Storm Brain

We’ll continue to feature some of this year’s most noteworthy Hermes Creative Awards entries throughout the competition. 

Hermes Creative Awards

Organization: Storm Brain
Location: San Diego, CA
Title of Entry: “CalPrivate Bank Website”
Category: 95. Electronic Media / Social Media / Interactive Media | Website Overall | Business to Consumer

We’re kicking off our 2019 competition with a spotlight highlighting excellent web design. Creating a noteworthy website requires a blend of techniques involving style, content, layout, navigability, and media.

CalPrivate Bank is a boutique financial institution catering to the coastal southern California region that specializes in custom financial solutions. To sell its products to a niche market, CalPrivate teamed with Storm Brain, a website site development company in San Diego. Storm Brain designed an innovative site that draws-in visitors and keeps them engaged as they glide through the pages.  The website delivers a message with soft undertones and crisp writing, letting the CalPrivate story unfold through a conversation rather than statements.

The 2019 Hermes Creative Awards are now open. Enter today.