Hermes hurry-deadline todayHermes hurry-deadline today

2017 Hermes Awards Deadline Today!

Hermes is designed with you in mind. Our online entry system is quick and easy to use. Our entries are priced at $85 (for most categories) so it is affordable to enter more than one project. Our judging and reporting is timely so you get results and accolades as soon as possible. Hermes judges convened a month ago and are judging full time. Enter by end of day tomorrow and you will receive your results by April 15. Late entrants will have to wait until May 1.



Advertising, Publications, Integrated Marketing, Design, Writing, Public Relations, Media Placement, Websites, Social Media, Video, Digital, Pro Bono


Hermes Creative Awards is the place to have your great work recognized. An interactive winner map shows the world who the top creative teams are in your area, and if permission is granted, the work itself is displayed. If the winner chooses, the listing can also include a synopsis of the project and credits for the clients and creatives who were responsible for it.

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