2015 Hermes Creative Awards Spotlight: American Heart Association

While the winners for the 2015 Hermes Creative Awards won’t be announced until May 1, we’re showcasing select entries that stand out. Keep checking back to see if your work will be highlighted. Haven’t entered yet? There’s still time!

Hermes Creative Awards Organization: American Heart Association
Location: Dallas, Texas
Title of Entry: “The Heart of a Dancer”
Category: 171. Nonprofit video


American Heart AssociationThe American Heart Association‘s mission is to build healthier lives free of cardiovascular disease and strokes. AHA educates people about how to prevent disease through diet, exercise and medical intervention.

The Association recently produced a video to promote its mission. It’s a story about heart–both literally and figuratively. The video is well crafted with creative photography and dramatic lighting. The producers stayed away from a heavy handed script with melodramatic music, simply letting the subjects tell this heartfelt story. Overall, it’s an emotional experience with a happy ending highlighting a teenage girl who has–yes–heart.
