2014 AVA Digital Awards Entry Spotlight: Point One Designs

While the winners for the 2014 AVA Digital Awards won’t be announced until Feb. 1, we’re showcasing select entries that stand out. Keep checking back to see if your work will be highlighted.

AVA Digital Awards Company: Point One Designs
Client: Anna + Andreas
Title of Entry: “Anna + Andreas”
Location: Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia
Category: 203. Wedding

point-one-designsWhen producing wedding videos, it is difficult not to fall into cliches. There is a set template that producers have to work within…bachelor/bachelorette parties, preparations, the walk down the aisle, vows, etc. Point One Designs creates a wedding video that plays more like a movie than an event.

Their video tells a story utilizing unique camera angles, breathtaking cinematography, and expert direction. At the end of the video, you not only feel you were at the wedding but as if you know the participants. Of course it doesn’t hurt to have Bali as the backdrop.
