2013 Hermes Winner, I Imagine Studio

hermes link graphicWinner: I Imagine Studio
Location: Evanston, IL
Title:  Pearlescence Website
Client: Lamin-Art
Category: 132. Website Design

i imagine logoI Imagine Studio is an integrated advertising and branding agency that services a wide variety of clients from its offices in the Chicago and Los Angeles areas.  The agency recently was tasked with designing a website for a decorative laminate company called Pearlescence.  Perlescence captures the colors of nature and creates unique surfaces that are integrated into restaurants, colleges, and medical centers.  The website designed for the company plays with the natural colors found in pearls and gemstones and paints an ineractive canvass that visitors will find easy to navigate and use.  The information is presented in a simple, but highly stylized manner.  The eye catching elements draws visitors in and introduces them to a brand of products that would enliven any business. www.pearlescence.com