AVA Winner Dr. Craig Oster

Winner: Dr. Craig Oster
Location: Haslett, MI
Nomination Title: THE HEALERS
Website: www.HealingWithDrCraig.com
Category: TV Pilot

dr.craigThrough our pro bono program we get to meet some incredibly interesting and inspirational people. One of our friends, Dr. Craig Oster, was diagnosed in 1994 with ALS, better known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. We met Dr. Craig in 2009 through a video produced pro bono by Scott Allman Productions, entitled Grateful to Be Here.  While most victims of Lou Gehrig’s disease die within 3-5 years of diagnosis, Dr. Craig has fought the degenerative neuromuscular disease for 18 years. Along the way, he earned a Ph.D. in clinical psychology at Michigan State University and served as an inspiration to the many healers and patients that daily grapple with the disease. With the help of Troy Anthony Garriga, Jr. and Brandon Klock, Dr. Craig has produced a pilot for a television series called THE HEALERS. It is a holistic approach to healing that is intended to give people who are suffering physically, mentally and emotionally, the inspiration and hope they that thought was beyond their grasp.
