Podcast with Platinum Winner AngelVision

Impact Movies

Eleven years ago, AngelVision broke tradition and began creating visual messages for corporate clients without using a camera, video, a host, or a talking head. Using ‘flash’, the company utilized pictures, images, graphics, and text to tell and deliver a story in a very new way. The company named their concept “Impact Movies”.
The visually arresting two-to-three minute message is built with solid marketing concepts over a series of dozens of steps. The result is an audience driven product that not only gives clients much needed exposure, but also clearly defines what those clients do.
AngelVision has serviced thousands of clients from small business to Fortune 500 companies with Impact Movies. In the process, AngelVision has scored an impressive list of awards. In 2000 the concept was somewhat radical at the time, but now there are scores of imitators.
The President of Angel Vision is Jeff Otis who spoke to us about what it takes to make an Impact Movie.



ImpactMovies Ipod (Podcast)




For a sample of an Impact Movie, click the link below and watch the magic.
