We Are Proud to Salute 2010 Communitas Award Winner Blaine Anthony (Benton, MA)

2010 Communitas Award Winner Blaine Anthony (Benton, MA) has a soft spot in his heart for children who are battling a disease. The owner of North American Safari, a hunting and fishing video production company, he frequently takes these youngsters on hunting and fishing expeditions to buoy their spirits, and their resolve to keep fighting. He produces the excursions for television, and he also tirelessly promotes the need for donations to various organizations. His nominator submitted a DVD entitled Hunting for a Cure that features St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, TN. Mr. Anthony has established a nonprofit organization, Hunting for a Dream, that enables volunteers to take terminally ill children on hunting and fishing trips to fulfill their last wishes. He has earned his Communitas Award for Excellence in Community Service. Please visit www.communitasawards.com to see which companies and individuals have earned 2010 Communitas Awards.