2010 Communitas Award Nominee The College of Physiotherapists (Toronto, ON) Protects the Environment

2010 Communitas Award nominee The College of Physiotherapists of Ontario (Toronto, ON) has always taken a leading-edge approach to reducing costs, helping the environment and enhancing the efficiency with which to communicate with its more than 7,000 registrants. When the medical society realized that its 125-page paper version of its Registrants’ Guide was costly and environmentally harmful, it introduced a more technology-driven version on CD-ROM. In response to the CD-ROM’s inability to provide updates reflective of constantly-changing registrant information, the ASA reinvented and distributed the guide on a pre-loaded USB flash drive (in both Frendh and English versions) that enables and prompts users with an option to obtain revised data. The new registrant information may be uploaded from the College of Physiotherapist website (http://www.collegept.org/Physiotherapists/) to the USB flash drive each time it is inserted into the PC or laptop USB port. The organization has nominated its USB flash drive in the Green Initiatives category. Please visit www.communitasawards.com for printable nomination forms and information on how to nominate a deserving individual and/or business. The deadline for submitting nomination forms is August 2.