Tag : Scorpion Internet Marketing

scorpion-internet-marketing2017 AVA Digital Awards Spotlight: Scorpion

2017 AVA Digital Awards Spotlight: Scorpion

We’re showcasing select entries that stand out until all the AVA Digital Awards winners are announced. There’s still time to enter before the final deadline on Jan. 17. Keep checking back to see if your work will be highlighted.

AVA Digital Awards Organization: Scorpion
Location: Valencia, California
Client: Deans & Lyons
Title of Entry: “Deans & Lyons”
Category: 23. Other — Legal Website

Over the past several years, websites have been moving toward boilerplate templates, sort of a “one size fits all” design. Scorpion Internet Marketing takes an individual approach, creating websites that are unique for each client. Scorpion, with offices in Texas and California, is one of the fastest-growing firms of its kind in America and is also a Google Premier Partner.

Scorpion recently designed a website for a legal client, Deans & Lyons, that blends strong graphics with stylized photographs to draw visitors and hold their attention. After a few minutes on the website, you feel you not only know the attorneys, but have a strong feel for their work.
