Tag : Column Five

Happy Holidays: Fun Game, Music And More

tg-holiday-gift-enatorAs we reach the conclusion of this year, we wanted to share the holiday spirit. Whether interactive, funny, interesting or simply beautiful, enjoy this seasonal content.

Looking for engagement? You might like playing this online game from Texas Guaranteed. Don’t let the presents get stacked too high!

And then Palio+Ignite had an ugly sweater contest. Prepare yourself for before proceeding to view the pictures. 😉

If you’re traveling by plane anytime soon, you’ll definitely want to check out Column Five’s Holiday Holdups infographic about travel delays at the largest U.S. airports.

Lastly, we’ll leave you with the University Singers’ performance of the Shaker hymn “Simple Gifts” at West Virginia University.

Note: If you or a friend is a WVU fan, check out their simple gift download section at simplegifts.wvu.edu for digital wallpapers and other spirited things.


Happy holidays from the AMCP team. We hope that you and your loved ones have a safe and merry holiday season.