Submssion for Hermes Award

Winner: energi PR Client: Astellas Pharma Canada, Inc. Title: Category: 98. Informational Dispersing information can be a cumbersome process for those creating content and often for the audience trying decipher it. Energi PR out of Toronto Canada didn’t get bogged down in facts when it created an informational website on Overactive Bladder Syndrome. The […]


ESPN Submission for Hermes Award

Winner: ESPN
Client: Lucasfilm & 20th Century Fox
Title: Star Wars ESPN Fantasy Draft Spots
Category: Television Spot

This ESPN spot is a great example of a co-branded, cross promotion. Lucasfilm & 20th Century Fox wanted to promote the release of the complete Star Wars saga on Blu-Ray. ESPN wanted to promote its Fantasy Football property. The idea was to create a fantasy football draft with ESPN talent and iconic Star Wars characters set on board the Death Star.

Putting them together wasn’t much of a creative stretch. Both sets of characters and their usual sets kind of look like each other anyway. The result is a fun, visually appealing piece that plays to the fanaticism of Star Wars and fantasy football geeks.

There was a :30 TV spot and an extended :45 spot that ran on Cudos to Maggie Vision for producing the spots.


Submission for Hermes Award

Rarely does a product design capture the essence of an event.  Pasabahce Innovation Center went further…a lot further.  The company not only created a unique, expressive design to commemorate the World Cup, but coupled it with the client’s logo seamlessly promoting both product and event. The design is ingrained on a coke glass that is both stylistic and functional.  Football fans in Europe and soccer fans in America are rewarded with a commemorative keepsake that one day might be a collector’s item.


ACR Whitepaper – Submission for Hermes Awards

Producing a “White Paper” can be a monumental task. Unfortunately, it also can be a monumental task reading the report. The PR firm of Porter Novelli are communications specialists who know how to gather intense data and transform the facts and numbers into a compelling paper.
Recently the American College of Rheumatology hired the firm to educate the public about America’s number one cause of disability. Porter Novelli wrote an outstanding report on rheumatic diseases– their causes, effects, and solutions.
The writing is crisp and concise; the photography solid and relevant; the graphics creative and descriptive. The authors took a dull subject with cumbersome facts and created a work that shines.



Union Bank

2012 Communitas Award Winner

Union Bank
Location:  California
Business Type:  Bank
Nomination Title:  Union Bank Community Matters
Category:  Community Partnership



Union Bank  places a strong emphasis on diversity, inclusion and service, both in its communities and among its employees.

Union Bank reaches out to its community through various diversity programs and sponsorship of charitable causes.  Each year, two percent of the previous year’s net profit is committed to worthwhile charitable causes.  Union Bank created 15 award winning videos that air on local PBS stations to highlight the diverse leaders throughout history who forged new ground and helped build communities.

Check out Union Banks COMMUNITY MATTERS videos, here.

From its Board of Directors, to its employees, Union Bank strives to reflect the diversity of the population with whom it does business. Union’s Board of Directors includes over 55 percent minorities and women. Its senior leadership is also 55 percent women or people of color. Sixty two percent of Union’s overall workforce consists of women and 56 percent are people of color.

Here are just a few of the award winning COMMUNITY MATTERS videos Union Bank has created to help strengthen local communities.


Reliv Foundation Builds Home for Orphans in Haiti

2012 Communitas Award Winner

Reliv Kalogris Foundation
Location:  Petite-Anse, Haiti
Business Type:  Nonprofit provides nutrition for those in need
Nomination Title:  Reliv Foundation Builds Home for Orphans in Haiti
Category:  Making A Difference


Sixty children orphaned by the January 2010 earthquake in central Haiti, are living in a new home courtesy of Reliv International’s charitable arm, Reliv Kalogris Foundation.

The Reliv Kalogris Foundation provided funds to build the children’s home and is also providing free nutritional supplements to the residents. The home is built in the Petite-Anse neighborhood near Cap Haitien. The Reliv Foundation partnered with the Cathedral of Cap Haitien and a social welfare committee called “Nous et les autres” (meaning “We and the Others”). The social welfare committee has cared for indigent and impoverished children in the Cap Haitien area for 34 years. Prior to the earthquake last year, the committee served 20 children who are also moving into the new home. The home has the capacity to house 80 children. “The extraordinary generosity of Reliv distributors and employees makes it possible for the foundation to help malnourished children in Haiti and elsewhere,” said R. Scott Montgomery, chairman of the Reliv Kalogris Foundation. “The Foundation provides free dietary supplements to 270 feeding programs in 10 countries,” he added. In Haiti alone, the Foundation is currently nourishing over 10,000 children in 45 schools, orphanages and clinics.

The children’s home is a stand-alone structure that has two dormitory-style wings on an upper floor over the fully furnished kitchen and two dining halls that can also serve as study rooms and recreation areas. The goal is to give these children a home-like atmosphere, provide education and job training for the older children, and supply nutritional supplements on a daily basis.

About the Reliv Kalogris Foundation

The Reliv Kalogris Foundation, founded in 1995, is named for the late Dr. Theodore “Ted” Kalogris, who created the nutritional formula what would become Reliv International’s first product. You can get more information on the Foundation from Facebook or their website,


News from Yesterday’s Facebook Marketing Conference

Facebook getting new look SOON

The much anticipated Facebook design change will roll out later this month. Facebook’s “Timeline” theme will feature a larger profile picture in addition to larger wall photos. Important posts and milestones will be kept in chronological order, telling a story of how you and your profile have evolved through the years. Other notable changes to the site will be a new administration panel that will help track site performance, and the ability to “pin” important posts or photos to the top of your page. Read more on Facebook’s new look and the topics of discussion from the inaugural Facebook Marketing Conference, here, and here.

Example of a tribute to Steve Job’s Timeline page


Quota International’s We Share Foundation

2012 Communitas Award Winner

Quota International’s We Share Foundation
Location: Washington D.C.
Business Type: Nonprofit Community Service Organization
Nomination Title: Hand-in-Hand World Service Program
Category:  Organization’s Specific Program

Quota International’s Hand-In-Hand World Service Program Changing Lives Together in Developing Countries

Quota’s Hand-in-Hand World Service program serves people in dire need in developing countries. It connects 6,000 Quotarians around the world who care with Quotarians in 19 Quota clubs in India, Fiji, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Suriname who have designed unique service projects to meet the needs of their local communities. Quota members are all volunteers who enjoy working together to make an impact in their community and their world.