Author : AMCP

NASCAR Driver Dale Earnhardt, Jr. Underscores Spirit of Communitas Awards With 200th Make-A-Wish Appearance

The spirit of the Communitas Awards was recently underscored by NASCAR driver Dale Earnhardt, Jr., who made the wish of a lifetime come true for a 15-year old fan who is battling a kidney disease. You can read the heart-warming story — the 200th Make-A-Wish appearance by Dale, Jr. — by accessing this link:,256781.
The story details the meeting between the two, which is part of SportCenter’s “My Wish” series (a collaboration between ESPN and Make-A-Wish Foundation). Please visit for printable nomination forms and information on how to nominate a deserving individual and/or business. The deadline for nominations is August 2, 2010.


Communitas Awards Accepting Nominations Through Aug. 2, 2010 for Excellence in Community Service & Corporate Social Responsibility

Communitas Awards is now accepting nominations through August 2, 2010 to recognize exceptional businesses, organizations and individuals for Excellence in Community Service (volunteering, philanthropy), Corporate Responsibility (inclusion of public interest in corporate decision making, sustainability, green initiatives), and/or Community Service & Corporate Responsibility. For more information and to find, print and utilize nomination materials, please […]


We Are Proud to Salute Communitas Award Winner Nevada State Senator Valerie Wiener

State Senator Valerie Wiener introduced legislation to create the Nevada Youth Legislature (NYL), a program supported through volunteer resources and expertise. Nominated for Nevada Youth Legislature: Extended Training Program, the initiative encourages youths from the state to increase their commitment to civic engagement. As a result, youth legislators appointed by their state senator are required […]


We Are Proud to Salute Communitas Award Winner Board of Pensions of the Presbyterian Church (Philadelphia, PA)

The Board of Pensions of the Presbyterian Church (Philadelphia, PA) is convinced that even as a small 188-employee company, it can make a large impact on the environment. Nominated for Giving Back to the Community Through Volunteerism, The Board of Pensions formed an internal team to identify methods of recycling and conservation, including electricity consumption […]


We Are Proud to Salute Communitas Award Winner Ciber DTS Customer Training Practice (Newport News, VA)

Ciber DTS Customer Training Practice (Newport News, VA) employee Evelina Johnson established a volunteer team with her colleagues. Nominated for its participation in The American Cancer Society’s 2009 Relay for Life, Ms. Johnson rallied the firm /with her passion and dedication. The lead volunteer also hosted several local fundraisers, placed American Cancer Society donation cans […]


2010 Communitas Award Nominee Kimberly Kanary (Associated Estates) Ensures U.S. Service Men and Women Are Not Forgotton

2010 Communitas Award Nominee Kimberly Kanary of premier apartment management company Associated Estates understands the sacrifices that our service men and women provide to our country — her brother-in-law is currently serving in Afghanistan. She was nominated for the award because of her diligent efforts to support those troops that began with a call to […]