Author : AMCP

AVA Winner: Mullen

Winner: Mullen
Title of Entry: CENTURY 21 Moves Into SimCity  Social
Location: Boston, MA
Client: CENTURY 21
Category: 3c.Social Campaign

Boston based Mullen was looking to increase Century 21’s profile among consumers between the ages of 25-34. This coveted age group represents the largest share of homebuyers. How people shop for homes has drastically changed in recent years and Century 21 wanted an innovative way to tap into the seismic shift. Mullen created a digital campaign that integrated social media with the gaming community. Research shows that 81 million people play social games and that 27% of them are either buying homes or thinking about it. Mullen partnered with SimCity to put Century 21 in the game. Players could place Century 21 offices into their cities and win bonuses. Almost 200,000 gamers took advantage of the offer. The campaign also created a huge jump in Facebook likes and generated a number of media stories around the country.


AVA Digital Awards Deadline A Week From Friday

Entries are flooding in for the 2013 AVA Digital Awards. And, for the past two weeks, judges have been reviewing entries on a daily basis. We will soon begin posting comments and uploading some of their favorite websites, videos and social media entries. Someone is always available during regular hours to answer your questions via […]


AMCP Looks to Help Hurricane Sandy Victims

If you or your company/agency is a past entrant in any AMCP competition and were impacted by Hurricane Sandy, please let us know your circumstances. We will be making a contribution to the Red Cross, but first wanted to help anyone who is associated with us. Please contact us at or 817-303-2769.


Congratulations to the 2012 MarCom Award winners.

There were over six thousand entries from all over the world. After about two months of daily judging and many days of processing results, winners are now listed on our website and  information packets are in the mail. U.S. entrants should have their results by Wednesday; Canadians by the end of the week; and entrants […]


AVA Awards gets a face lift!

The 2013 AVA Digital Awards competition is set to open this Thursday, November 1st! We are pleased to introduce some new and exciting branding, new categories, as well as a new website and online entry / registration system. The creative convergence of digital arts, technology and information is changing the way we market, communicate and socially […]


MarCom Winner, M Booth and Associates

Winner: M Booth and Associates Title of Entry: “Country Crock’s “A Very Veggie World”” Location: New York, NY Client: Unilever-Country Crock Category: 116. Other With offices around the world, M Booth and Associates is one of the largest public relations companies.  They were approached by Unilever-Country Crock to create a brochure promoting vegetables.  That sounds like a […]