Check out Ned’s Weekly Job Postings! National Communication Job Postings Week of 02/27/12 Courtesy of Ned Lundquist’s “Job of the Week” weekly posts. For more information on Ned and his job postings, visit  


Marketing Job at Non-Profit in Florida

The Arc of Florida, a 501c (3) Statewide non-profit based out of Tallahassee, Florida is seeking a Marketing Executive. The Marketing Director will be responsible for brand management, the development and implementation of marketing strategies, cultivating corporate relationships and public relations. A minimum of 5 years of experience in marketing, communications or public relations is required.  A Bachelor’s degree in communications, marketing or public relations is preferred.  A successful candidate must demonstrate experience in developing and managing long term marketing strategies, communication skills, and production of relevant materials.
Go to and click on the News & Events tab. Applications will be accepted until March 23, 2012.



United Health Care has created a multi-media website that engages its stake holders with humor, witty writing, wonderful directing, and interesting photography.  The series of videos explain everything from potential health problems to filing procedures.  UHC takes complicated issues and breaks them down into an understandable language…no simple task when talking about American health care and insurance.  It also helps that there are some famous faces to deliver the message.



Don’t Panik!

Making a play on his last name, Mark Panik started the company Don’t Panik! and even crafted a snappy promo video to stress his point. Don’t Panik! is a boutique post-production company based in Los Angeles that national broadcasters call when they need a creative, quick-turnaround promo.

Mark opened shop thirteen years ago after learning his trade in the low end of the movie trailer business.  He does a bit of everything including directing,  writing, editing and producing.  You’ve seen his work many times on television, you just don’t know it.  Promos are the heart of his business, but viral videos aren’t far behind.

Check out his promo videos below and listen to Mark in our podcast.


Don’t Panik! (Podcast)





A Perilous Mission

​Tim Scott and Will Decker are filmmakers on a mission–literally. They spread the Gospel from the jungles of Africa to the mountains of South America.  But spreading the word is not all they do.  Their organization, “Travel the Road”, also documents the expeditions on tape in heart-pounding fashion.
​Tim and Will explore regional problems and issues while facing down raging rapids, crocodiles, and drug labs.   Blending drama, powerful music, and unique editing, they create a captivating weekly television series that is used to motivate church members.  It’s religious work, but it’s also participatory journalism at its best.
​Check out their recent video on the drug labs of Columbia.

Colombian Border Mission from Travel the Road on Vimeo.


Neuromarketing, Or How to Hack a Brain

Consumers are bombarded with thousands of messages a day urging them to buy a product, change loyalties, or for vote for a candidate. Billboards peer down from the sky. Ads stare from magazine pages. Banners flash from web pages.  Commercials blare from televisions and radios. To break through this jumble, advertisers are increasingly pressed to hone a better message that will reach their core consumers and influence opinions. And, they think they found it with a technique called neuromarketing.

Neuromarketing is not that new, but in recent years it’s found new converts. The question facing marketing gurus is whether neuromarketing is the promise of the future or just another trend (whatever happened to subliminal advertising anyway).
Neuromarketing first showed potential in a Pepsi versus Coke challenge in 2003.  Neuroscientist Read Montague placed his subjects in an MRI and watched brain responses while they tasted the colas.  Without knowing what they were drinking, half preferred Pepsi.  But, once they were told which samples were Coke, three-fourths said that the Coke tasted better.
Simply mentioning Coke not only changed the subjects’ verbal responses, but also lit up their brains. Montague concluded that years of Coke’s advertising campaigns planted positive images in the brain that overrode the subjects’ taste buds.

Since then, the science of neuromarketing has evolved.  Researchers are now using MRI’s and skullcap EEG scanners to peer into the deep subconscious, measuring responses to a client’s products and messages in real time.  

A neuromarketing firm in Berkley, California is taking the research a step further.  At Neuro Focus, volunteers are plugged into EEG skullcaps and eye tracking devices. The tandem devices enable researchers to correlate eye movement with brain activity.  

A. K. Pradeep is the founder of NeuroFocus. He recently told a Frontline web producer, “We are able to measure attention, emotion and memory.”  “We basically compute the deep subconscious response to stimuli.” Add all those electrical patterns together, says Dr. Pradeep, and “you find it represents the whispers of the brain.”

Once research data is crunched, new commercials and campaigns can be crafted.  Researchers are pushing forward hoping to discover a magic button in the brain…the “buy button”.

Movie studios, television shows, car companies, and food giants are now hacking into consumers’ brains.  Sometimes the findings are surprising. Frito-Lay discovered that consumers actually liked that yellow, sticky mess that Cheetos leaves behind on the fingers (sort of a guilty subconscious pleasure).  So what advertisers initially thought was a product drawback actually is a new marketing angle.

While some marketing groups swear by neuromarketing, others aren’t so sure.  Ray Poynter is a social-media consultant in England.  Poynter says neuromarketing is more hype than science. He told that, “Neuromarketers are over claiming massively.” “While it is likely to reduce the number of bad mistakes, and slightly increase the chance of good things happening, it’s all a matter of degree.”

Paul Root Wolpe is a bioethicists and director at the Emory Center for Ethics. He calls neuromarketing “iffy technology.  He was recently quoted as saying, “The idea is that somehow neuromarketing is going to be so much more powerful that, like zombies, we are all going to go out and buy soap…that is just not realistic in terms of the way the brain works.”

Despite the naysayers, neuromarketing is booming. Companies with new products to sell and old products to repackage are searching for next Holy Grail of advertising, looking for a new way to break through the marketing clutter.  


And the Winner is …

It’s all about the commercials.  Watching Super Bowl Ads is becoming as big as the event itself.  It’s must see TV that lowers American productivity while increasing water cooler talk for at least a week.
​This year’s Super Bowl between the triumphant Giants and the Patriots drew more 111.3 million viewers for a new broadcast record (111 million last year).  Social Media mentions are tracked too and guess what—another record.  Last year the Super Bowl had 1.8 mentions; this year there were 12.2.
Andrew Fisher CEO of Shazam, the app for identifying songs, was tracking mentions as were other internet companies in the social television realm.
“The Super Bowl was our first major live network television event where we enabled people to interact with all aspects of the game, including the ads and the spectacular halftime show,” he told Forbes. “Knowing the size of the Super Bowl audience, we had high expectations for how many people would be engaged during the event and with the numbers in the millions we were blown away.”
This year’s game was hard to beat and so were the commercials.  Every year, advertisers and media outlets find new ways to rate the commercials. USA Today teamed
with Ad Meter to rank the best commercials.  
USA Today/Ad Meter Results
USA also recorded real time reactions on social media sites.
USA Today/Social Media React


Podcast with Platinum Winner AngelVision

Impact Movies

Eleven years ago, AngelVision broke tradition and began creating visual messages for corporate clients without using a camera, video, a host, or a talking head. Using ‘flash’, the company utilized pictures, images, graphics, and text to tell and deliver a story in a very new way. The company named their concept “Impact Movies”.
The visually arresting two-to-three minute message is built with solid marketing concepts over a series of dozens of steps. The result is an audience driven product that not only gives clients much needed exposure, but also clearly defines what those clients do.
AngelVision has serviced thousands of clients from small business to Fortune 500 companies with Impact Movies. In the process, AngelVision has scored an impressive list of awards. In 2000 the concept was somewhat radical at the time, but now there are scores of imitators.
The President of Angel Vision is Jeff Otis who spoke to us about what it takes to make an Impact Movie.



ImpactMovies Ipod (Podcast)




For a sample of an Impact Movie, click the link below and watch the magic.



As an organization we receive over 10,000 entries a year. As the judging coordinator, each one goes through me. They all get a glimpse as I prepare them for the judges. Sometimes a piece catches my eye and I stop to fully examine it. It may be because of a huge budget or a clever or creative touch. But some like the one I received the other day, obviously have no budget and are simplistic to a fault. They stand out because of a compelling image that makes you think. Below is a video that not only tells this man’s story, but the sad story of so many other people. It was shot on his point and shoot camera. It is the personification of the power of visual communication.

We received this email after the recent AVA competition had closed.

Dear Sirs,
I am a disabled person living on a fixed income in a destitute area of Riverside County, CA. Are there any applications available for a “no cost” submission? (I can’t afford the $75.00) I am desperately trying to save myself from homelessness by bringing awareness to the blight of my neighborhood, in Riverside County, California, in one of the richest nations, in the world. Please feel free to preview my submission.

Gerald Weathers

The title of the piece is “Abandoned.” I was hooked by the title and the first image. As I travel down the road, my curiosity is always drawn to dilapidated, abandoned old houses. My mind tries to picture the family that once lived there. I wonder what happened to them and why the home fell into disrepair. There are millions of these homes in our cities and countryside. Each one has its own story. Here is Gerald’s story.

After viewing the piece, I emailed Gerald thinking this was his house.

Here is Gerald’s response.

To answer your questions: I must tell the truth, I know little to nothing of the people that lived there. I assume it is a similar situation as my own. Allow me to describe. It is currently used as a “drop spot” and pick-up for drugs, and illegal immigrants. (there used to be a semi-trailer on the property that was a drop box they reloaded and stored stuff, that was finally removed) I live only two doors away from the houses and trailer I photographed, in this neighborhood called Sky Valley, an unincorporated area of Riverside county, CA.

Due to the cheap/affordable homes/cabins in this area, they are inhabited by elderly and retired, disabled like myself. The rest fall into two other categories, families with children and newer homes on larger 5-10 acre parcels, and ones that are owned by “druggies” associated with a cartel that moves product and people in from Mexico, thru here regularly. There used to be several “kitchens” in the area.

The county has constantly harassed me in every way they can. ie: Code Enforcement threats at gunpoint, Medi-CAL benefits denied regularly, and property taxes, now demanding $9,800 in back taxes on my cabin assessed at $33,000. The math does not work. It is on the auction block for March 20th. 2012 a few weeks away with no hope of resolution.

The logic follows the same will happen to my property. It will no doubt be thrashed and become another site just like the “abandoned” one. Then, usable for the drug and human trafficking business established and thriving, thru Riverside County. The home immediately next to me is regularly used by “squatters”, that use my water, and anything they can get, and at one time ran a 100 foot extension cord from the back of my house to the one next door – for electricity. At wits end trying to get help from within the County and State of California, I armed myself with a pistol for protection. With your help, I am very much hoping to bring about an awareness, outside CA that might give the Riverside County Board of Supervisors reason to end this sick succession of injustices, that leave good people, and their lives, homeless and abandoned to the elements.

Warmest regards,
Gerald Weathers
Sky Valley CA

Gerald’s submission reminds us that homelessness and decay is not only in our past, it is still going on around us.