2014 Hermes Creative Awards Entry Spotlight: Columbia College

While the winners for the 2014 Hermes Creative Awards won’t be announced for a while, we’re showcasing select entries that stand out. Keep checking back to see if your work will be highlighted. Company: Columbia College Location: Columbia, Missouri Title of Entry: “A Critical Connection” Category: 64. Publication Article Writing looks easy if you have a good […]


2014 Hermes Creative Awards Entry Spotlight: Fifth Ring

While the winners for the 2014 Hermes Creative Awards won’t be announced for a while, we’re showcasing select entries that stand out. Keep checking back to see if your work will be highlighted.

Hermes Creative Awards Company: Fifth Ring
Location: Aberdeen, Scotland
Client: Interwell
Title of Entry: “Interwell – The Experts in Extreme”
Category: 172. Public Relations Video

Fifth RingDrilling oil wells is an extreme business, which requires well-designed manufactured parts to ensure productivity and safety. Interwell caters to the oil fields, and the company wanted a public relations video to convey its message “extreme experts who deliver extreme performance, technology and products.” They turned to international communications firm Fifth Ring.

Fifth Ring created a video that is, well, extreme. Extreme sport expert Duncan Shaw dances through an Interwell facility on his bike. It’s hard not to watch.



2014 Hermes Creative Awards Entry Spotlight: Visix

While the winners for the 2014 Hermes Creative Awards won’t be announced for a while, we’re showcasing select entries that stand out. Keep checking back to see if your work will be highlighted.

Hermes Creative Awards Company: Visix Inc.
Client: Virginia Commonwealth University
Title of Entry: “VCU Interactive Wayfinding Kiosk”
Location: Norcross, Georgia
Category: 118. Interactive Capabilities

visix-digital-signage-software-solutionsAs online directories continue to replace phone books, it’s not surprising that organizations replace the standard billboard-style map with electronic building directories.

Privately held software development firm Visix helped Virginia Commonwealth University leap into the electronic age with its McGlothlin Medical Education Center Directory on a wayfinding kiosk.

The software, designed by Visix, provides navigation help for visitors around the building as well as the VCU campus. People are given the options of browsing the building by floor and taking a look at the school’s map in addition to finding a person, department or specific room.

After selecting a destination to a certain location, users are instructed to take the elevator to correct floor and the software illustrates the necessary route to arrive at their endpoint.

Visix is careful not to overload visitors, using animation sparingly while still providing visual cues. If visitors are first-time users of the kiosk, they can easily identify their next steps without feeling overwhelmed.




2014 Communitas Awards Spotlight: Fireside Production

Communitas Awards Company: Fireside Production
Title: “Fireside Day of Service”
Location: Denver, Colorado
Category: 2.1 Organization’s Specific Program

fireside-productionEven though Fireside Production, a small Denver-based video production company, held its first Day of Service three years ago, the firm has assisted the local community since its inception.

“Giving back has been at the foundation of Fireside Production since we launched in 2006, but the Fireside Day of Service is our way of deepening that commitment,” Fireside’s Founder and Managing Partner Naomi Binkley said. “Making time to volunteer each quarter allows our team to experience the important work our nonprofit clients are doing to improve our community and impact lives.”

During the quarterly Day of Service, the Fireside staff dedicates a half-day to volunteering for their nonprofit clients. Binkley, along with Director of Production & Partner Tom McDonald, donate their time and provide pay to the employees for the time spent volunteering.

Since the initial Day of Service in 2011, Fireside has volunteered for 10 nonprofits. In 2013, Fireside freshened up the paint at the Mi Casa Resource Center, cleaned up trash at Bluff Lake Nature Center and supported Make-A-Wish Colorado at the Oyster Race. The team also assisted Clothes to Kids of Denver by sorting and tagging clothes, as well as helping young clients select their new outfits.

During each Day of Service, Fireside creates a video to showcase the impact of the nonprofit and the value of volunteering in the community. All the videos are published on the company’s YouTube channel.

“By creating a video on each Fireside Day of Service, we hope to share our passion for philanthropy, showcase the mission of our nonprofit clients and inspire others to find meaningful ways to give,” Binkley said.

Fireside Production encourages everyone to get involved.

“The need is great, and whether you’re a large company with established resources or an individual with a few hours to give… it all makes a difference,” reads the Communitas entry from Marketing Manager Tammie Waddell.



2014 Communitas Awards Spotlight: Desmond Hunt

Communitas Awards Individual: Desmond Hunt
Title: “Technology Reaches Out”
Location: Kissimmee, Florida
Category: 1.5 Individual Participation

Desmond HuntDesmond Hunt lives by the motto, “The more you give, the more you receive.”

So in 2007 when Pastor Maxwell Berkel at Mt. Zion Seventh-Day Adventist in Kissimmee, Florida, asked Hunt, owner and CEO of video production company Hunt Productions, to start a technology ministry, the videographer didn’t hesitate to accept the challenge that offered no compensation.

Mt. Zion’s pastor envisioned a program that would help the youth at the church stay out of trouble, learn new aspects of technology and contribute to the worship service. Hunt, who sees the project as a “privilege” and a “blessing,” turned this vision into a reality.

Three months into the project, there were 39 active members spending a couple hours every Saturday night learning the ins and outs of camera operations, technical directing, operating the multimedia equipment and green screen technology. They then used their skills to help with the weekly broadcast of the service. Since the start seven years ago, the ministry has been running strong.

Hunt is grateful for the opportunity to share his passion with the youth at his church and play a positive role in their lives. “When young people know someone cares and is there, it makes a difference in the way they act, how they interact with others, and how they plan for the future,” Hunt said.

Mt. Zion Technology MinistryThe videographer certainly made a positive impact, as parents noticed constructive changes in their children’s attitudes, better interpersonal skills and improved grades, among other things.

Why did Hunt choose to work with his community’s youth? His upbringing motivates him.

“I did not have a mentor while growing up, and this is the reason why I want to make a difference,” Hunt shared. “I wish I had this type of ministry to join and mold me so life would not have been so tough. The youth need dedicated adults – this is why I give back.”

And Hunt’s involvement with Mt. Zion’s young congregants extends outside of the training and participation in the technology ministry.

Besides mentoring and answering questions about life the members might have, Hunt hosts an annual gathering at his home the Saturday before Christmas that both current and past ministry members attend. While everyone enjoys the fellowship, Hunt makes time for the former members to give a quick talk about how technology has positively impacted their lives and encourage the current members to stay in school and listen to their parents so life’s journey will be more productive with positive results..



2014 Hermes Creative Awards Entry Spotlight: Yellobee Studio

While the winners for the 2014 Hermes Creative Awards won’t be announced for a while, we’re showcasing select entries that stand out. Keep checking back to see if your work will be highlighted.

Hermes Creative Awards Company: Yellobee Studio
Client: AUI Fine Foods
Title of Entry: “AUI Fine Foods Catalog”
Location: Atlanta, Georgia
Category: 15. Catalog

yellobee studioCatalogs come in many shapes, sizes, and designs. Many merely list items page after page as the products are described with mundane copy and illustrated with cheesy pictures. AUI Fine Foods is a company that caters to professional chefs, which is a pretty tough audience.

AUI turned to Yellobee Studio of Atlanta to catch the attention of people who spend all day looking at food products.  Yellobee describes itself as a “visual problem solver,” and the catalog it designed for AUI lives up to that boast.  The food on the pages might as well be on a plate.



2014 Hermes Creative Awards Entry Spotlight: Interbrand

While the winners for the 2014 Hermes Creative Awards won’t be announced for a while, we’re showcasing select entries that stand out. Keep checking back to see if your work will be highlighted.

Hermes Creative Awards Company: Interbrand
Title of Entry: “Goetta Job! (Recruiting Fresh Meat)”
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio
Category: 54. Poster

Interbrand logoInterbrand, as the name suggests, is a branding company with 40 years experience. It has nearly 40 offices spread out over 4 continents and its client list includes some of the world’s largest companies including GE and McDonald’s.

To assist with student recruitment efforts, Interbrand’s Cincinnati office created a campaign, “Goetta Job (Recruiting Fresh Meat),” that references a popular German-American food thought to have originated in the Ohio city. Goetta  is a type of breakfast sausage consisting of different types of meats and oats.

Interbrand created a series of posters casting some of the most expressive faces you will ever see. The actors are coupled with meat and utensils that interplay with short, crisp copy. The result is an attractive witty campaign.

Goetta Job! (Recruiting Fresh Meat)



2014 Hermes Creative Awards Entry Spotlight: UberConference

While the winners for the 2014 Hermes Creative Awards won’t be announced for a while, we’re showcasing select entries that stand out. Keep checking back to see if your work will be highlighted.

Hermes Creative Awards Company: UberConference
Title of Entry: “UberConference”
Location: San Francisco, California
Category: 129. Website Design

uberconferenceUberConference, a company that offers stress-free conference call services on the Internet, has a website worthy of the platform on which it operates.

Forbes recently recapped three design trends in 2014: responsive design, simplicity and storytelling design. UberConference’s site is a wonderful showcase of all three things.

The company delivers focused messages with clean, straightforward animations that tackle one aspect at a time before visitors scroll to the next section. The navigation, like the site itself, is simple. Users don’t have to fumble their way around the site to find the information they need.

Of course, the site renders beautifully on all devices – desktops, tablets and cell phones – as one would expect from a company that offers an Internet-based service.

UberConference’s site also features flat design, a large hero area, videos, a simple color scheme and other things that The Next Web predicted would be trending this year.

If you’re looking an example of modern design excellence, look no further than UberConference.com.

UberConference Website



2014 Hermes Creative Award Entry Spotlight: Newport Beach and Company

While the winners for the 2014 Hermes Creative Awards won’t be announced for a while, we’re showcasing select entries that stand out. Keep checking back to see if your work will be highlighted.

Hermes Creative Awards Company: Newport Beach and Company
Title of Entry: Visit Newport Beach Website
Location: Newport Beach, California
Category: 102. Nonprofit

visit-newport-beachThe nonprofit division Visit Newport Beach Inc. of Newport Beach and Company created a fantastic mobile friendly site, visitnewportbeach.com, to support the tourism economy of the California city.

Besides the standard information one would expect on such a site, Visit Newport Beach makes it easy and convenient for visitors to book hotels, flights and packages with help from the Travelocity Partner Network.

Visit Newport Beach also features an interactive map for desktop and tablet visitors with stunning visuals of favorite destinations around town. If that’s not enough, the site includes ambient noise from the top spots – such as waves crashing into the beach – so site visitors are transported to that particular destination.

Small touches also enhance the site, such as the display of the current temperature and surf report in the top navigation. The city’s tweets from Twitter account @newportbeach are also integrated into the homepage.

Between the variety of media and wealth of information showcasing the coastal city, the makers of the site demonstrate a clear understanding of the digital trends dominating our world and used an arsenal of tools to create an online experience that gives visitors the best taste of Newport Beach you can have without an actual visit.

Visit Newport Beach Interactive



2014 Communitas Awards: Jennifer Connelly Public Relations

Communitas Awards Company: Jennifer Connelly Public Relations
Title: “A Day in the Life”
Location: New York
Category: 6. Making A Difference

JCPR logoJennifer Connelly Interactive Productions, the production company of Jennifer Connelly Public Relations, created a pro bono video that takes viewers inside the lives of four families impacted by the work of Easter Seals New York, a nonprofit that ensures all people with disabilities or special needs and their families have equal opportunities to live, learn, work and play in their communities. JCIP used a documentary approach in the video to empower participants to share their stories using their voices.

Easter Seals has used the film in fundraising efforts to illustrate the depth of the organization’s impact on those they serve. “A Day in the Life” was also the centerpiece for the Easter Seals New York 2013 Annual Gala.

Since 2005, JCPR CEO Jennifer Connelly has donated PR services to Easter Seals and is a longstanding member of the Board of Directors. In 2013, JCPR received Easter Seals’ Corporate Leadership Award.

“From top down, Jennifer Connelly Public Relations has not only been a financial contributor, but throughout the company, employees of JCPR has been fundraising and volunteering to support our mission,” said Hayrim Byun, Easter Seals New York & Coastal Fairfield County’s vice president of development. “Jenn Connelly leads by example, serving on the board for Easter Seals New York and also provides support and care wherever she can, and Easter Seals New York is incredibly grateful.”
