Category : Public Relations

Blog Headers2020 Hermes Creative Awards Spotlight: Columbia Records

2020 Hermes Creative Awards Spotlight: Columbia Records

We’ll continue to feature some of this year’s most noteworthy Hermes Creative Awards entries throughout the competition. 

Hermes Creative Awards

Organization: Columbia Records
Location: New York, NY
Title of Entry: “ALIENS EXIST! BLINK-182 x AREA 51″
Category: Public Relations/Communications | Strategic Programs | 80c. Social Marketing Campaign ($175)

Social media is a fluid and quickly moving stream which requires rapid responses and agile strokes to navigate. Record companies, with their millions of Gen Z and Millennials consumers, have been forced to adapt perhaps even sooner than most other companies. Blink-182 is one of Columbia Records’ better-known bands. On September 20, 2019, the punk-pop band was set to release an album and wrap their summer tour at Brooklyn’s Barclay Center. September 20 also happened to be the day that alien enthusiasts were set to conduct a viral raid on Area 51 in Nevada–long known as a secret, mysterious government site and home to many conspiracies. One of Blink-182’s fan-favorite songs happens to be “Aliens Exist.” Columbia pulled together the pieces to create a huge flow of user-generated content amplified across a network of influencers, online outlets, and the band’s personal channels. What they created garnered millions of impressions and hundreds-of-thousands of engagements online. And yes, the night of the concert there were dancing aliens on stage. Great job, team!

To view their full submission, click here.

The Final Deadline for the 2020 Hermes Creative Awards is Thursday, April 16th. Enter now while there’s still time.

David-Avrin-Visibility-Marketing-BookVisibility Marketing Book Helps Fix Messaging that “Probably Sucks”

Visibility Marketing Book Helps Fix Messaging that “Probably Sucks”

The following is a blog article from MarCom Awards winner John P. David. Here’s a news flash from well-known speaker and author David Avrin: Your marketing probably sucks. Ouch, right? In his latest book, Visibility Marketing, Avrin pulls no punches after years of consulting with companies about messaging and marketing. He concludes that most companies are […]


Yes, you can get a book deal

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The Business of Online Complaining

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Public Relations Crisis Management Begins Online

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