Category : dotComm Awards

hero-dc-03Final 2020 dotCOMM Awards Extension

Final 2020 dotCOMM Awards Extension

Pssst: Wanna know a secret? Due to the fact that many of us are still not back in our offices, we’re extending our deadline through the end of the month. Don’t miss your opportunity to be named one of the best in the industry. The final deadline has been extended through August 27th. Entry fees […]

hero-dc-032020 dotCOMM Awards Deadline Tomorrow!

2020 dotCOMM Awards Deadline Tomorrow!

  It’s summer and things are heating up. The deadline for the 2020 dotCOMM awards is tomorrow, June 18th. Make sure you finalize your entries and send them in before Thursday to have your results back as early as mid-July (way before they are formally announced in August). Our entries are judged on a first-come, first-serve […]

hero-dc-03Deadline next week – Are you prepared?

Deadline next week – Are you prepared?

Deadline Next Week | June 18th Every single day, you and your team are working hard, racking your brains for the next big creative idea. You prepare briefs, have countless meetings, agree on the project, and get to work. Then you present your project to the world. You live for the times you know you […]

hero-dc-03The time is now

The time is now

dotCOMM Deadline | June 18th The world as we know it is in a state of unknown. The next time you and your coworkers will be together in the office is anyone’s guess. But we can’t stay stagnant. Employees, clients, and companies need to showcase their value now more than ever. So, here are 4 […]

hero-dc-032020 dotCOMM Awards Call for Entries

2020 dotCOMM Awards Call for Entries

2020 dotCOMM Awards Call for Entries | Deadline: June 18th It’s time to gather and submit your entries for the dotCOMM Awards, the leading competition for websites, graphic design, social media, videos, and all things digital. Entering is quick, easy, and priced to make it affordable for multiple entries. At $95 for single entries and […]