Category : AVA Awards

2014 AVA Digital Awards Entry Spotlight: Clear Channel Outdoor

While the winners for the 2014 AVA Digital Awards won’t be announced until Feb. 1, we’re showcasing select entries that stand out. Keep checking back to see if your work will be highlighted.

AVA Digital Awards Company: Clear Channel Outdoor
Agency: Taxi
Title of Entry: “United4th”
Location: New York, New York
Category: 222. PSA

Clear Channel Outdoor

Who thought billboards could look so beautiful? Clear Channel is a media conglomerate known for many things, one of them being outdoor advertising.  You’ve seen the Clear Channel name driving to and from work or across country flashing ads for everything from movies to perfume.

To celebrate the 4th of July, the company used its billboards in a unique way…placing the national anthem on the signage in bits and pieces.  Clear Channel created a PSA to commemorate the 4th, promoting itself while saluting the country.  The result is a rendition of the “Star Spangled Banner” like you have never seen.



2014 AVA Digital Awards Entry Spotlight: Business Information Graphics

While the winners for the 2014 AVA Digital Awards won’t be announced until Feb. 1, we’re showcasing select entries that stand out. Keep checking back to see if your work will be highlighted. Company: Business Information Graphics Title of Entry: “The Technology Gap and How to Bridge It 2-Minute Explainer” Client: Compuware Corporation Location: New York, New York […]


2014 AVA Digital Awards Entry Spotlight: American Red Cross

While the winners for the 2014 AVA Digital Awards won’t be announced until Feb. 1, we’re showcasing select entries that stand out. Keep checking back to see if your work will be highlighted. Company: American Red Cross Title of Entry: “American Red Cross” Location: Lakewood, New Jersey Category: 7c. Innovative Mobile Development About the Apps The American Red […]


AVA Digital Entries Accepted Until January 17

Judges have begun judging entries in the 2013-14 AVA Digital Awards. Over the next few weeks, judges will be posting comments about some of the exceptional work that they are seeing. We will also be posting selected entries to our website gallery. We know that a lot of people don’t want their work posted, so, if you are an […]


See Examples of Excellent AVA Digital Awards Work

SEE EXAMPLES OF EXCELLENT WORK Later this week, judges will start blogging, here on the blog, about entries that stand out during the judging process.* Check our website gallery daily for new examples of winning work* Check us out on Twitter for updates @ava_awards *AVA Digital Awards recognizes that many entrants are adamant about not wanting their work […]


2014 AVA Digital Awards Deadline Wednesday!

REGISTER AND ENTER ONLINE IN MINUTES! 227 Categories Enter now, pay and upload later Reasonable fees: $65, $150 for campaigns Results mailed and posted in 45 days Credible, third party judging from the Association of Marketing & Communication Professionals (150,000+ entries over last 18 years) Judged against a standard of excellence, not other entries Winners list includes […]


AVA Winner TheeDesign Studio

Winner: TheeDesign Studio Title of Entry: Website Redesign for Lizard Lick Towing Location: Raleigh, NC Category: Home Page The first rule for any website is to capture the essence of the product or company. TheeDesign Studio nailed it with Lizard Lick Towing. What you see is what you get. Check out the store, you can […]