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2018 AVA Digital Awards Spotlight: Pennsylvania Department of Education

We’re showcasing some of the most innovative and creative AVA Digital Awards entries. The AVA Digital Awards is one of the most highly regarded digital competitions in the world. Enter your best work for a chance at third-party recognition.

AVA Digital Awards Organization: Pennsylvania Department of Education
Location: Harrisburg, PA
Title of Entry: “Bullying Prevention Hotline”
Category: 140. Video Production – Commercials – PSA

Bullying is a nationwide epidemic affecting schools everywhere. Modern technology and social media platforms have magnified bullying’s impact, giving bullies new opportunities to harass their victims outside of classrooms.

To combat bullying, the Pennsylvania Department of Education created a hotline to help students in need and released a PSA to spread awareness surrounding the hotline. The PSA depicts the horrors of bullying through the victims’ eyes. In the video, students are seen reading their devices and surrounded by hurtful messages. The PSA ends with the powerful statistic of nearly half of all students have reported being bullied within the past month.

The PSA reflects the isolation victims of bullying face, especially during the digital age. While the video shows the bleak reality of bullying, it ends with the important message for students experiencing bullying to contact the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s bullying prevention hotline for help.

The 2018 AVA Digital Awards final deadline is January 18. Enter now.