2022 Hermes Creative Awards Spotlight: Sunrise Banks

We’ll continue to feature some of this year’s most noteworthy Hermes Creative Awards entries throughout the competition. 

Hermes Creative Awards

Organization: Sunrise Banks
Location: St. Paul, MN
Title of Entry: “Banking on Change”
Category: 126. Electronic Media / Social Media / Interactive Media | Web Creative | Web Writing/Content


Sunrise Bank of St. Paul, Minnesota, wants everyone to know that it is the “most socially responsible bank in the world.”  Sunrise services a variety of customers with an emphasis on minority business owners who traditionally have had the most difficulty securing loans.  In a series of website articles for the “Banking on Change” campaign, the bank featured Twin City based BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and people of color) businesses.  The businesses chosen are focusing on more than the bottom line, they are striving for social change in their communities.  The well-written stories bring to life the individuals and business impacting people across social and cultural lines.  Each article  is accompanied by a custom illustration of the entrepreneur being highlighted.

To view their full submission, Click Here.



The Deadline for the 2022 Hermes Creative Awards is Thursday, April 14th. Enter now while there’s still time.