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2019 MarCom Awards Spotlight: Infinity Marketing

We’ll continue to feature some of this year’s most noteworthy MarCom Awards entries throughout the competition.

MarCom Awards Organization: Infinity Marketing
Location: Greenville, SC
Title of Entry: “Blackbeard Branding Blog”
Category: 227. Digital Media | Web Element | Blog Single Post

What does piracy have to do with branding? More than you think. The author, Curt Westlake, is Creative Director of Infinity Marketing, an integrated marketing agency based in Greenville, South Carolina. Westlake, with wit and wisdom, lays out a very good case in his Blog article, “Blackbeard’s Guide to Building a Better Brand”. The point of the article is that Blackbeard knew how to build a brand and send a message. Westlake gleans important tips from the pirate that should be a bounty for any anyone in the marketing world.

To watch their full submission, please click HERE, or peruse the website embedded below.

Our current competition is the 2019 MarCom Awards. The deadline is Thursday, October 17th. Enter now.