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2018 MarCom Winners Announced

That’s a wrap! All 2018 MarCom Awards entry results have been finalized and posted to entrant accounts. To see your entries results, visit your MarCom Awards My Account page. Each entry will be listed as a Platinum, Gold, Honorable Mention or non-winning entry.

All Platinum and Gold winning entries are listed on the MarCom Awards winners’ list. If winners would like to add a project synopsis, credits, clients or change images, they can do so from their My Account page. The last file upload on each entry is what displays on the winner’s page, so to change files, just re-upload the preferred image.

Don’t forget to order

Don’t forget to order your 2018 MarCom Awards certificates and statuettes! All certificates, statuettes and graphic downloads are found on the MarCom Awards store.

Let’s get social

We love to see our winners celebrating, so be sure to tag the MarCom Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages in your win announcements, certificate and statuette photos.