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2018 MarCom Awards Spotlight: Rice University

We’re showcasing some of this year’s competitions stand-out entries. 

MarCom Awards Organization: Rice University
Location: Houston, Texas
Title of Entry: “Unconventional students at Rice University”
Category: 292. Video/Audio – Video/Film – Educational Institution

We’re kicking off our 2018 competition by featuring Rice University’s entry, “Unconventional students at Rice University.”

Rice shot a series of videos following various “unconventional” students around their daily lives. The profiles include the students’ academics and extracurricular activities, as well as their interests, aspirations and reasons for attending Rice.

The well-produced series captures the beauty of Rice’s campus while showcasing each student’s unique story. The featured students’ various backgrounds and future goals highlight the university as an eclectic home for students of all backgrounds, interests and talents.

To see Rice University’s full Unconventional Students project, visit here.

Our 2018 competition is in full swing and accepting entries. Send in your best work today.