2014 Hermes Creative Awards Entry Spotlight: Columbia College

While the winners for the 2014 Hermes Creative Awards won’t be announced until May 1, we’re showcasing select entries that stand out. Keep checking back to see if your work will be highlighted.

Hermes Creative Awards Company: Columbia College
Location: Columbia, Missouri
Title of Entry: Academic Affairs Holiday Card
Category: 149. E-Card

Columbia CollegeHoliday e-cards take many forms, but almost all of them are cut from the same Christmas cloth. You can almost always count on snow, Santa, reindeer, fireplaces, and presents to be part of the holiday mix.

Columbia College had a different idea. It took some of those same traditional icons, shook them up and created an e-card that’s a throwback to the 60s.

With a nod to stop-action film and the famous “Rudolph” television program, Columbia’s e-card tracks Santa as he treks across the country from one campus location to another. There is also a witty open and close.
