2014 Communitas Awards Spotlight: Desmond Hunt

Communitas Awards Individual: Desmond Hunt
Title: “Technology Reaches Out”
Location: Kissimmee, Florida
Category: 1.5 Individual Participation

Desmond HuntDesmond Hunt lives by the motto, “The more you give, the more you receive.”

So in 2007 when Pastor Maxwell Berkel at Mt. Zion Seventh-Day Adventist in Kissimmee, Florida, asked Hunt, owner and CEO of video production company Hunt Productions, to start a technology ministry, the videographer didn’t hesitate to accept the challenge that offered no compensation.

Mt. Zion’s pastor envisioned a program that would help the youth at the church stay out of trouble, learn new aspects of technology and contribute to the worship service. Hunt, who sees the project as a “privilege” and a “blessing,” turned this vision into a reality.

Three months into the project, there were 39 active members spending a couple hours every Saturday night learning the ins and outs of camera operations, technical directing, operating the multimedia equipment and green screen technology. They then used their skills to help with the weekly broadcast of the service. Since the start seven years ago, the ministry has been running strong.

Hunt is grateful for the opportunity to share his passion with the youth at his church and play a positive role in their lives. “When young people know someone cares and is there, it makes a difference in the way they act, how they interact with others, and how they plan for the future,” Hunt said.

Mt. Zion Technology MinistryThe videographer certainly made a positive impact, as parents noticed constructive changes in their children’s attitudes, better interpersonal skills and improved grades, among other things.

Why did Hunt choose to work with his community’s youth? His upbringing motivates him.

“I did not have a mentor while growing up, and this is the reason why I want to make a difference,” Hunt shared. “I wish I had this type of ministry to join and mold me so life would not have been so tough. The youth need dedicated adults – this is why I give back.”

And Hunt’s involvement with Mt. Zion’s young congregants extends outside of the training and participation in the technology ministry.

Besides mentoring and answering questions about life the members might have, Hunt hosts an annual gathering at his home the Saturday before Christmas that both current and past ministry members attend. While everyone enjoys the fellowship, Hunt makes time for the former members to give a quick talk about how technology has positively impacted their lives and encourage the current members to stay in school and listen to their parents so life’s journey will be more productive with positive results..
